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- Version 1.1
- Virus detection for the IBM Personal Computer
- and compatibles
- User's Manual
- (c) 1988 by Tim OBrien
- Table of Contents
- What is a VIRUS?............................................1
- What is VIRUS DETECTER and how should it be used?...........2
- How to invoke VIRUS DETECTER................................4
- System Requirements.........................................6
- A word from the author......................................7
- Disclaimer..................................................8
- Registration................................................9
- Sample files created by VIRUS DETECTER......................11
- PAGE 1
- ----- WHAT IS A VIRUS? -----
- A computer virus is a piece of program code that exists within an
- otherwise normal program. When this program is run, the viral code
- seeks out other programs within the computer and replicates
- itself. The other programs can be anywhere in your system and can
- even be the operating system itself. This infection can grow
- geometrically depending on the number and different types of
- programs you run (1 program infects 2, 2 infect 4, 4 infect 8...).
- At a given point in time or based on some other external triggers
- such as the number of times the program was run, the amount of
- free disk space is reduced to below 10%, or any of a million other
- circumstances, the viral code goes to work doing what it was
- intended for. It could be as harmless as blanking your screen or
- as vicious as formatting your hard disk and everything inbetween
- is possible.
- The concern over viruses has grown enormously over the past year and
- even NASA has been infected. You would think (or hope) that high
- security installations like NASA would be free from infections, but
- the fact of the matter is that it can happen to any computer, no
- matter how hard you try to prevent it.
- There is some software on the market today that tries to stop
- viruses from spreading by monitoring disk access and only allowing
- authorized updates. The biggest problem with these is that they are
- doing this monitoring while your doing your day-to-day work. You
- may not see any impact on performance with a fast cpu and disk,
- but not everyone has that sort of equiptment. A bigger problem is
- that some viruses are created knowing what and how these monitor
- programs work. Once knowing this the virus can circumvent the
- protection process.
- I by no means imply that these viral-fighting programs are less
- than adequate, but only want you to know that regardless of the
- precautions, a virus can still infect your system.
- PAGE 2
- VIRUS DETECTER is 3000 lines of A86 assembler language code (and
- thus very fast) that takes a snapshot of the disk environment for up
- to 5 disk drives, each directory in each drive, and each file in
- each directory. Up to 10 different file extensions can be specified
- (I recommend EXE, COM, and SYS as a minimum) or an asterisk can be
- used to snapshot all files. The information is retained in read-only
- file VIRUS.NEW and consists of the following:
- o Selection criteria (drive letters and file extensions)
- o Each directory found on each drive
- o Each file in each directory that matches the file
- extensions specified
- o The size, date, and time of each file
- o A Standard CRC of each file
- o An altered CRC of each file
- On subsequent runs of VIRUS DETECTER, the VIRUS.NEW file is renamed
- to VIRUS.OLD and new VIRUS.NEW is created using the options from
- the previous run. After VIRUS.NEW is created, a comparison between
- VIRUS.OLD and VIRUS.NEW is done and all differences are written to
- VIRUS.RPT. The data in this report file consists of the following:
- o Reports all directories deleted
- o Reports all files deleted
- o Reports all directories added
- o Reports all files added
- o Reports the before and after statistics for all files
- that have been modified
- The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) is the key to knowing when a virus
- has been detected. In order for viruses to remain un-detected, they
- must not modify the file size or date. At the time of this writing,
- I have heard of no viruses that do not change the CRC of the file.
- Specifically, the CRC is a process of taking the first byte within a
- file and through an algorithm, apply a value of the next byte in the
- file to derive a hexadecimal representation as of that byte in the
- file. This process repeates until each byte of the file has been
- applied to the algorithm.
- chance, some virus gets through one, it will be caught in the
- second. For those of you that are familier with the virus problem,
- Gilmore Systems of Beverly Hills California has a program that will
- create a modified version of a file that is different, but has the
- same CRC. They use this to show you that a standard CRC is not good
- enough for true virus detection. I ran their program called PROVECRC
- and then ran VIRUS DETECTER. VIRUS DETECTER DID show that the file
- was changed. One CRC was the same, but the second was not.
- As you may be able to deduce, the VIRUS.RPT file can also be used to
- know what file changes have been made. One client I support has well
- over 100 programs and batch files that I change periodically. When
- it comes time to produce a new release of the system, I run VIRUS
- DETECTER and it tells me all that I have changed and thus what I
- must update in the next release of the software.
- PAGE 3
- ----- WHAT IS A VIRUS DETECTER? ----- (continued)
- Another by-product of VIRUS DETECTER is the ability to know what
- software is being used on a specific computer. If you are using
- VIRUS DETECTER in a business environment and have expensive word
- processors, spreadsheets, or data base managers, and you find that
- the files created by these products are not changing, you can
- pretty well assume that the products are not being used very often
- and may wish to reexamine the need for the software product on a
- specific machine.
- It would be ideal to install VIRUS DETECTER on a system known to
- be virus free, but this is most often not the case (your system
- is most likely to be virus free, but you cannot be sure). In this
- case you will use VIRUS.RPT to let you know if a program has been
- changed that should not have. Once knowing this you will obviously
- want to re-install the infected programs, and then run VIRUS
- DETECTER more often while logging the programs used. This process
- will narrow down the possible programs that may contain the virus
- and possibly narrow it down to the specific program if you are
- diligent in your efforts.
- Regardless of whether your system is known to be virus free or not,
- and once suspecting you have been infected, the very first course
- of action is to look at VIRUS.RPT and see if any new programs have
- been installed and determine if they came from a reliable source.
- Software purchased from reliable sources and vendors should be
- virus free. Software from a bulletin board, friends, or the black
- market is much less reliable.
- The way VIRUS DETECTER differs from most other anti-viral products
- that I have seen (other than using 2 different CRC algorythms as
- described earlier), is that it automatically keeps itself up-to-date
- every time you run it. Other products make you run their program one
- time to setup a base file, and a subsequent run to check if any
- differences have occurred. At this point you then have to run the
- program to setup a new base file. Other products written in some
- higher level languages such as C or PASCAL, are actually quite
- slow. VIRUS DETECTER is written in assembler and on an 8mhz machine
- with a 60ms, 20 megabyte disk drive will process the entire 20
- megabytes in about 20 minutes. On an IBM PS/2 Model 60, it will
- process the 20 megabytes in roughly 5-6 minutes (Keep in mind that
- every byte of every file has to be read).
- PAGE 4
- VIRUS DETECTER should be installed into its own directory and will
- always look for and create its files in the drive/directory from
- where it was invoked. If you create a directory called VIRUS and
- always invoke VIRUS DETECTER from that directory, you will have
- no problems. If, on the other hand, you invoke VIRUS DETECTER
- from the root directory the first time, and from another directory
- on a subsequent run, VIRUS DETECTER will not be able to find the
- required file VIRUS.NEW and will abort.
- After installing VIRUS DETECTER, the first invocation is done by
- simply typing 'VIRUS' from the DOS prompt. Subsequent runs are
- done by typing 'VIRUS C' from the DOS prompt. The 'C' indicates
- that VIRUS DETECTER should perform a check against the VIRUS.NEW
- file that exists in the current directory. If the 'C' is not
- supplied, VIRUS DETECTER will only create a new base file
- Whenever VIRUS DETECTER is run, it will search for VIRUS.NEW
- and rename it to VIRUS.OLD. If the program would be interrupted
- by control-c, a power outage, or an abort issued by VIRUS
- DETECTER, you can rename VIRUS.OLD to VIRUS.NEW so you will not
- lose the snapshot from the last run.
- It may be important to know exactly when VIRUS DETECTER issues
- this rename:
- If invoked as 'VIRUS':
- VIRUS.NEW is not renamed to VIRUS.OLD until after all
- options have been entered and processing against the
- drives has started.
- If invoked as 'VIRUS C':
- VIRUS.NEW is not renamed to VIRUS.OLD until after the
- options from the last run have been extracted from
- VIRUS.NEW. If VIRUS.NEW has been corrupted, VIRUS
- DETECTER will abort.
- VIRUS DETECTER will create the report file VIRUS.RPT only during
- the checkout process (VIRUS C). If VIRUS.RPT exists, it will be
- deleted and a new one allocated, again in directory from where
- VIRUS DETECTER was inkoked.
- PAGE 5
- ----- HOW TO INVOKE VIRUS DETECTER ----- (continued)
- VIRUS DETECTER can be run from a batch file. VIRUS DETECTER has
- to go through the entire tree structure of each drive, but will
- always return to the directory where it started from. So if
- invoked from a batch file, no special commands are required to
- reposition yourself to a specific directory. VIRUS DETECTER will
- also set the ERRORLEVEL to 1 if any errors are detected so your
- batch file can pause, exit or do anything you specfy if a problem
- occurs.
- PAGE 6
- VIRUS DETECTER has been successfully run using DOS 2.0 through
- DOS 3.3 and has been run on the following machines (not all versions
- of DOS on all machines):
- o IBM PC
- o IBM XT
- o IBM XT/286
- o IBM AT
- o IBM PS/2 Model 50, 60 and 80
- o Compac Deskpro
- o Leading Edge Model D
- o Panasonic Business Partner
- VIRUS DETECTER has a color display while running and works well
- using Monochrome, CGA, EGA, and VGA adapters/monitors.
- PAGE 7
- ----- A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR -----
- I had been looking for quite some time to find a virus protection
- package that would be most suitable for my needs. Three problems
- were evident in nearly all other software I had tried:
- 1. The software would not update its base file on subsequent
- runs. This meant that after running the checkout process,
- I would have to re-run the program to re-create the base
- file and keep my system up to date.
- 2. Most other software was actually quite slow. Time is money
- and since I use my computer to support other clients, I
- found it bothersome to tie up my computer for well over
- an hour.
- 3. Most other software packages (and other non-virus detecting
- software) would work on one drive at a time only. This is
- one of my pet peeves and it really bothers me that so much
- software is like that. With DOS's limit of 30 meg per drive
- and with so many larger drives and multi-drive systems,
- software that functions on more than one drive is a must. (A
- popular and quite usefull file find utility works on the
- current drive only. I will be making my own version of this
- that will search all drives on the system.)
- Since I could not find a satisfactory product, I decided to write
- my own. I took the extra time and effort to write it in assembler
- and feel that the result was well worth the time and aggravation
- spent.
- I also thought long and hard as to what other by-products could
- be gained while performing the virus detection and found that
- virus detection itself was the by-product. For me, knowing what
- files and programs have been added, deleted, or changed in any
- way is most important. This may not be the case for you, but
- after using VIRUS DETECTER for some time, you will find it to be
- quite usefull for a variety of other tasks.
- PAGE 8
- ----- DISCLAIMER -----
- The following disclaimer should be viewed as a legal obligation on
- my part to protect myself. I by no means imply that VIRUS DETECTER
- is flawed in any way. I have every intention to make modifications
- and enhancements to ensure that VIRUS DETECTER is the best possible
- product. If you are having problems with VIRUS DETECTER or suspect
- that it may be flawed in any way, notify me and I will make the
- necessary changes as soon as possible, and distribute it
- accordingly.
- VIRUS DETECTER is distributed as is, with no guarantee that it will
- work correctly in all situations. In no event will the Author be
- liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or
- other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of
- or inability to use this program, even if the Author has been
- advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any
- other party.
- The VIRUS DETECTER distribution package, consisting of the program
- and documentation file are copyright (c) 1988 by Tim OBrien. The
- author reserves the exclusive right to distribute this product, or
- any part thereof, for profit.
- Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES may modified versions or dis-assembled
- versions be distributed, either for profit or in the public domain.
- User's groups, clubs, libraries and clearing houses are authorized
- to distribute the FREE version of VIRUS DETECTER persuint to the
- following conditions:
- 1. No charge is made for the software or documentation. A
- nominal distribution fee may be charged, provided that it
- is no more that $5 total.
- 2. The program and documentation are distributed together
- and are not modified in ANY way.
- PAGE 9
- ----- REGISTRATION -----
- Once you become a registered user of VIRUS DETECTER, you will
- receive a new version of VIRUS DETECTER which will include root
- directory files in the virus detection process. You will also
- receive the following benefits:
- o Support by phone, mail, or through my private bulletin
- board system. Support will only be provided to registered
- users.
- o Notice of significant upgrades and bug fixes. You will be
- notified by mail for any such updates. There will be no
- charge for updates as long as you send me a diskette and
- return postage. You can also receive a free update through
- my private bulletin board.
- Each copy of VIRUS DETECTER is registered for use on one computer
- only and a registered copy is required for each additional
- computer. The price breakdown is given below:
- Copies Price Per Copy
- --------- ----------------
- 1-50 $25.00
- 51-100 $21.00
- 101-500 $17.00
- 500+ $14.00
- The registered version of VIRUS DETECTER can be used in commercial,
- educational, and governmental institutions.
- The free version of VIRUS DETECTER is expressly prohibited for use
- in commercial, educational, and governmental institutions except for
- the purpose of evaluation.
- PAGE 10
- Please send me a copy of the current full version of VIRUS
- DETECTER and add me to the list of registered users, to be
- eligible for support and update notices.
- Computer Model: ___________________________________________
- Diskette Type: _______ 5.25 in. ________ 3.5 in.
- Copies: _______ 5.25 in. ________ 3.5 in
- Company Name: ________________________________________________
- Your Name: ________________________________________________
- Title: ________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________
- City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________
- Any initial comments about VIRUS DETECTER? ______________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- Where did you hear about VIRUS DETECTER? ________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- Send registration form and check or money order to:
- Tim OBrien
- P.O. Box 742
- Mequon, Wi. 53092
- (414) 241-9504
- PAGE 11
- VIRUS.NEW and VIRUS.OLD both have the following format:
- **Building New Base File**
- DIR: C:\